2010.mod ICF-2010 adjustment revisited 2010freq.mod Sony 2010 SSB Adjustment 56kbfix.mod 56K modem fixes 760xlt.mod Bearcat Mods allband.mod ICOM IC-2AT, IC-02AT Mods alr22t.mod Extended frequency rx and tx of the ALR22T & ALR22HT aor1500.mod Review: AOR AR-1500 handheld scanner ar1000.mod Reprogramming the AR1000 bbc_txt.mod Radio reviews bc200.mod Uniden Bearcat 200XLT Modifications bc200xlt.mod BC200xlt CPU pinouts! bc205xlt.mod Mods for BC200/205XLT c520.mod Extra functions for Standard C528/520 c528.mod Standard HT 528 mods (999MHz) c558.mod THE REAL Standard 558 radio mod dj120.mod Alinco DJ120 extended transmit mod file dj160.mod DJ-160 MODS dj162.mod Alinco DJ-162 Mod - (Here's How) dj500.mod DJ500 Mod dj560.mod UPDATE: MOD for 800MHz RX on DJ-560! dj580.mod Mod for ALINCO DJ-580T D/B HH dj_580.mod DJ580 Mod djf1.mod ALINCO F1 2 METER HANDHELD djf1t.mod Alinco DJF1T mods dr110.mod DR110 mod file dr110p.mod 9600 baud mod for Alinco 110, 112, 1200 radios dr1200.mod MFJ - ALINCO & 9600 dr1200_1.mod DR1200 InterMOD reduction mod file dr1200t.mod Alinco DR1200t full band mod file dr130.mod DR130 MARS mod file dr510.mod Alinco DR510 Crossband Repeater Mod dr570.mod DR570 MODS dr599t.mod DR599t extended RX mod file dr600.mod DR600 Mod dx440.mod DX440 mod dx440txt.mod DX440 mod dx_440.mod Sangean ATS803A/Realistic DX-440 Radio Modification ft1000.mod FT990 and 1000 extended xmit mod file ft101e.mod FT101E mods so you can use USA final tubes ft209rh.mod FT-209RH mods resolved ft212rh.mod FT212 mods ft233373.mod FT23, 33, 73 extended range mods ft23_211.mod FT23 FT73 & FT211 mod files ft23r.mod YAESU FT-23R EXTENDED FREQUENCY RANGE: ft2400.mod Yaesu FT2400H frequency mod ft2400_1.mod FT2400 mod file ft411_1.mod Yaesu FT-411E Mods ft411_2.mod PTT MOD FOR FT-411 ft415815.mod FT415 & 815 mod files ft4700.mod FT 4700 Mod ft470_1.mod Yeasu FT-470 mods? ft470_2.mod FT470 extended VHF xmit mod file ft470_3.mod FT470 mods ft5100.mod Yaesu FT-5100 Help ft5100_1.mod Addtional feature on Yaesu FT-5100 found: adjustable timeout ft5100_2.mod Yaesu FT-5100/5200 mods ft5100if.mod Yaesu FT-5100 CAT/Remote Control Mike Interface ft5200.mod FT5200 crossband mod file ft5200a.mod FT 5200A Mod ft530.mod FT530 mods wanted! ft650.mod FT650 noise blanker mod file ft726r.mod Mods for ft726r to do 9600 ft727.mod FT727R MODS ft727cat.mod ft727r CAT interface ft727r.mod YAESU FT-727R ft736r.mod FT736 2m RX mod! ft747.mod FT747 mod file ft747gx.mod General coverage mod for YAESU FT-747GX ft757.mod FT757 mod file GX and GXII ft757gx.mod How to broadband a Yaesu FT-757GXII? ft767gx.mod YAESU FT767GX mod ft890.mod ft890 mod file ft990.mod FT990 mod file ft990_1.mod YAESU FT-990 ft990_2.mod FT990 and 1000 extended xmit mod file ft990_3.mod FT990 mod for extended tx fx146.mod Ramsey FX 146 mod for packet file ge_mvp.mod G.E. MVP to a Repeater (Instructions) hb232txt.mod HB-232 Announcement hf250txt.mod HF-250 Update hr2600.mod UNIDEN QSK MODIFICATION htx100.mod R/S HTX-100 Modifications htx101.mod Radio Shark HTX101 mod file hw_24.mod HW-24 extended RX mod file ic02.mod BAND EXPANSION MODIFICATION FOR IC-02AT ic02_2.mod Another Icom IC02 Modification ic02_3.mod AUDIO MODIFICATION FOR ICOM IC02 AND IC04 RADIOS ===== ic02a.mod IC-02A mod ic04.mod OUT OF BAND MODIFICATION FOR ICOM IC-04 ic2410.mod ICOM IC-2410 mods ic24_2.mod IC24AT New Info ic24_3.mod Mod for IC-24AT ic28.mod ICOM IC-28A AND IC-28H ic2at.mod mars/cap mod file for the IC2AT ic2gat.mod ICOM 2GAT Mods ic2sat.mod IC-2SAT TX/RX mod ic2sat_2.mod Icom IC-2SAT enhancements, part 2 ic2sra.mod Icom IC-2SRA Mods ic32.mod IC-32 Mod ic3200a.mod Local packet QSOs / dual band rigs? ic32_2.mod IC-32AT Modifications ic37.mod some IC37 mods ic4sat.mod Icom IC-4SAT xtnded transmit mod - how to ic7100.mod ICOM ICR7100 RECEIVER (365 lines) ic725.mod Need Help on Mod for Icom 725 ic735ibm.mod ICOM 735 <-> IBM Notes ic751.mod IC-751 split mode mod ic900.mod Icom IC-900 mods ic901a.mod IC-901A Frequency Ranges ic_24.mod IC-24AT Receive Mods ic_mu2.mod BAND EXPANSION MODIFICATION FOR ICOM MICRO2 ===== ic_p2at.mod ICOM P2AT keyboard mods icom32at.mod ICOM 32AT MODS icom735.mod Xmit Mods for IC-735 icom_mem.mod R-71A Memory Notes icom_ram.mod ICxx71 ram adaptor for use with eprom programmer icw2a.mod Icom W2A Mods icw2a_1.mod W2A receiver modification icw2a_2.mod Updated version of IC-W2 extended xmit mod kamdcd.mod KAM hf carrier detect mod. ken_mic.mod KENWWOD MIC MODIFICATION. maxtrac.mod Any info on Moto gear for 902mhz FM? micor.mod Motorola Micor Repeater Conversion micordup.mod Conversion of MICOR UHF to duplex mobile micoruhf.mod MICOR UHF mobile to repeater conversion instructions micorvhf.mod MICOR VHF mobile to repeater converstion instructions modserv.mod mods database server mr8100.mod Uniden MR8100 pagers.mod BRAVO pagers - undocumented test features pk232lok.mod PK-232 Lockup Cures pro2004.mod PRO-2004 MODS HERE THEY ARE !!! pro2005.mod 2004/2005 modifications pro2006.mod PRO-2006 pro200sb.mod Pro2005/6 SSB MOD HERE! pro2020.mod PRO 2020 SCANNER MOD pro2022.mod Realistic PRO-2022 Cellular Restoration pro2026.mod PRO-2026 MODS!!! pro34.mod PRO-34 Scanner Modifications pro37.mod PRO-37 Scanner Modifications pro38.mod A (useless?) modification for the PRO-38 pro42aus.mod Mods for PRO-43 pro43.mod Improved audio for the PRO-43 portable scanner pro43_1.mod TWO frequency mods for the PRO-43 pro43_2.mod Improved audio for the PRO-43 portable scanner pro43mtr.mod PRO-43 S-Meter! ps50.mod PS50 fix r5000.mod R5000 r7000.mod R7000 Display/Sensitivity Problem r7000_2.mod R7000 modifications rad_mods.mod [rec.radio.amateur.misc] Radio Mods rci2950.mod Mods for RCI-2950 rci_2950.mod Mods for RCI-2950 scanner.mod Squelch Improvements for Scanners sony2010.mod Sony 2010 repair/mod tapr9600.mod TAPR 9600 MODEM MODS PART 1 tc2duplx.mod TNC2 Duplex Mod th215.mod Kenwood TH-215A modification th225.mod Kenwood TH225A modifications wanted th25.mod Kenwood HT-45A mods? ( and TH-25AT ) th26.mod Needed: Kenwood TH-26A and TH-46A Mods th27a.mod TH27a Mods th28a.mod Kenwood TH28A Mods (here they are) th75.mod KENWOOD TH-75A MOD th77a.mod Here are the Kenwood TH-77A mods! th78_new.mod TH78 mods for newer radios th78a_0.mod Guide to TH-78A Undocumented Features th78a_1.mod Kenwood TH-78 mods / Game th78a_2.mod TH78A mod file, crossband repeat, extended RX/TX, cloning th78a_3.mod More TH 78 Mods th78warn.mod KENWOOD TH-78A MOD WARNING tiny2tnc.mod Tiny-2 tnc fix tm221.mod TM221a, no TX in high power mode fix tm241.mod TM421a TX mod file tm2530.mod TM-2530/2550/2570 MARS/CAP tm2570a.mod TM-2530/2550/2570 MARS/CAP tm321a.mod TM321A Mars/cap mod tm321a_2.mod TM321a weak mic audio fix tm321a_3.mod Packet mod for TM321 tm421.mod TM421a TX mod file tm421a.mod TM421a TX mod file tm701.mod TM701A CROSSBAND MOD tm701a.mod Kenwood TM701A mods tm721.mod TM721 modification tm721_2.mod Kenwood TM-621,721 mods ? tm721_3.mod TM-721A UHF Extend Mod tm731.mod TM-731A RPTR & OUT-OF-BAND MODS tm732a_1.mod Kenwood TM-732A Extended Receive Mod tm732a_2.mod TM-732A MODIFICATION MATRIX tm741.mod TM-741 Mod tm741732.mod Undocumented Kenwood Features/Games TM-741/TM-732 tm741_1.mod Kenwood TM-741a GAME Dox!! tm741_2.mod Kenwood 741 Out of Band Problem tm742.mod TM-742/942 Remote Control tm941a.mod TM941a mod tm941a_2.mod Kenwood TM-941A UNDOCUMENTED FEATURE tm_96kb.mod TM621 721 731 9600 baud mod file tnc2.mod RELIABITITY MOD FOR TAPR-2's tnc2a.mod Cleaning up MFJ 1270B tr2400.mod TR2400 repair notes, unwanted noise, low RX, display & keyboard tr7625.mod TR7625 intermittant TX fix ts140.mod TS-140S TX All Freq Mod ts180.mod TS180s notes ts2545at.mod TH25 and 45 automatic power off defeat ts430.mod Trio - Kenwood TS430 extended coverage ts430_2.mod TRANSMIT ENABLE FOR MARS AND CAP FREQUENCIES FOR THE TS430S ts440.mod KENWOOD TS-440 Mod ts440_1.mod TS440 receiver audio mods file ts440_at.mod TS-440S MODIFICATION TO USE ANTENNA TUNER FOR XT AND RX.- ts450690.mod TS450 and TS690 TX mod file ts50.mod TS-50 Power Mod for QRP ts520.mod TS520 service notes ts530.mod TS530 WARC bands mod file ts680.mod TS680 Freq Extend mod ts680_2.mod Kenwood TS-680 mods ts711.mod Kenwood TS-711A Mod ts790a.mod TS-790A X-Band Repeat Mod ts820.mod TS820 Receive AUX band installation ts830.mod TS830 frequency shift, low volt fix ts850_1.mod TS850S features and mod file ts850_2.mod TS850S features and mod file ts850s.mod TS850S features and mod file ts930.mod MODS for KENWOOD TS-930 Transcievers ts940.mod TS940s erratic display or control fix ts940ibm.mod TS-940 Control Program tw_4000.mod Mod for Kenwood TW-4000 for CAP u2at.mod Extended xmit mod for the Icom IC-u2AT handheld uni2510.mod Uniden 2510 AGC speed mod for packet